Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2020
As the real estate market continued to expand in 2017 and demand for quality broker services increased, more industry professionals want to hear about the best real estate marketing ideas. They need to stay ahead of the game in this digital age, on a playing field which is always changing. Some tactics are new, some are timeless, but all will work. Here are the top real estate marketing strategies for 2020.
Create Landing pages: Dedicated landing pages are standalone pages that are created for a specific advertising campaign to generate leads. One can utilize services such as PowerUp Leads which provides several landing pages optimized to generate buyer and seller leads.
Use a Responsive Website: Make sure your website is engineered for top mobile performance. That means a cut above the contemporary sub-par and patience-testing crawl that current websites (on current browsers). Almost everyone uses a smartphone or tablet of some kind, and when they need information online, they want it quick and easy. If the user experience of your website on their device is dissatisfying, then BOOM …onto the next. You’re out of the running to be their next broker! Among real estate marketing strategies for 2020 it will be essential that your site performs well on all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows) and devices (not forgetting desktops and laptops too).
Keep that Blog Active: Blogging today has become a vital complementary asset to websites, and a fantastic marketing vehicle. It can have huge impact on search engine results, social media reach, and the virtual dialogue that can be had with potential clients from far and wide.
Apart from a 24/7 live chat, opening up your writings to comments from the public is as interactive as it gets. Inform your public with tips and advice, highlight local construction development, give key mortgage/financing updates, and discuss pertinent industry news. People will look to you as an expert in this field, so show off your wisdom and solidify your spot as the local authority. The “active” part emphasizes regular postings as part of your real estate marketing strategies for 2020.
Publish Informative Videos: Online video clips have not yet reached their potential, but the business world is slowly catching on. Take advantage of the fact that they’re not yet prominent in most agencies’ marketing plans. Technology has improved, and the most innovative real estate videos from 2017 were just stunning. Be a leader in your real estate marketing strategies for 2020. Get there first!
Not only do videos give your target audience a different medium to interact with, they also allow you to showcase yourself, your agency, and your properties to stand out from competition.
More Focus on SEO: It’s a long continuous journey that might test your patience, but when you get there, the reward is very worth it. Can you imagine being near the top of page 1 in your local area Google searches? How much more business might that bring in? So if you don’t know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is yet, better to find out fast. A smart and persistent SEO strategy will generate huge “free” traffic from Google (and other similar search engines) and associate your business with the select target keywords of your choosing.
Like every year, you just can’t forget about SEO management in your real estate marketing strategies for 2020.
Targeted Ad Campaigns on Google: Google AdWords offers a quick, proficient and scalable option to target potential new buyers and sellers online. Programmatic advertising allows you to showcase your services or offers in specific locations in search results, or with display and retargeted ads for people visiting your website or those of your competitors. To put it simply, this is the fastest way to get in front of your most likely prospects.
Spotlight on High Quality Content: Eye-catching content is as important as any other weapon in your internet arsenal. “Average” isn’t good enough anymore, or you’ll get lost in the crowd. You need to produce captivating, well-written blogs, informative news, high quality videos, and interesting infographics. You work so hard to get one new visitor onto your website one time… don’t waste the chance to dazzle them and force them to come back. Grab their attention right away. Good content helps you gather an audience, build trust, and allow the other techniques listed here take flight.
Host Live Events: Go old school in your real estate marketing strategies for 2020. Put technology aside for a minute, and go shake some hands! The best networking events for real estate agents are often the ones they organize themselves. They draw lots of people from across the industry, which you get to meet and impress. Your properties will get some focused exposure, and your persona as a respected local real estate broker gains enormous credibility with the right people. Successful broker events allow you to interact with the public (potential clients and collaborators) and build relationships in ways you can’t do online.
Don’t Ignore Traditional Media: Newspapers, trade journals, bus stops, bulk mail, billboards, and radio commercials worked for decades. Guess what? Many of them still do.
Just because the internet took off in everything new and is on everyone’s lips, it doesn’t mean that all traditional marketing methods are obsolete. It also doesn’t mean that 100% of your target market is up to date with their shopping game. Would your grandmother ask Siri for a list of realtors to call, or might she open an old Yellow Pages book instead?
Your competition is probably abandoning them, but there are still plenty of economical winning options outside of cyberspace. And what happens when technology leaves an old medium in the shadows? Their prices go down, and your prominence as one of the only realtors there goes up. Take out a full page colour ad in a publication you could probably never afford before. Spread that money across a few traditional media outlets (to complement one another) and watch your popularity grow!
Get Those Referrals: The oldest of “old school” and maybe the best marketing tactic of all time. How to ask for referrals? Easy! Just request that your satisfied clients or alliance partners refer new prospects to you as a way of rewarding you for a job well done! Word-of-mouth Is not only free, it is the most convincing of all methods. Why? The introduction comes from a trusted source. The key is to actually ask on a continual basis, without being shy or assuming the answer will be “no”. Create a referral rewards program with your existing network, hold onto contact with previous clients, and follow up in every direction to make sure you explore every source in 2020.
Remain a “People-Person”: Real estate has always been extremely relationship-driven, but after the deal is done, it’s easy to forget to those relationships in the midst of chasing the next sale. But you can build stronger customer relationships and reap the rewards.
The most successful brokers –anywhere– have two things in common: (1) they’re constantly prospecting for the next new client (2) they become extremely popular in their community (especially among previous clients). Want to follow their lead in your real estate marketing strategies for 2020?
Invest the time to keep touch and stay informed about your clients’ news, on a consistent basis. While this can still be done with Christmas cards, homemade cookies, and community event appearances, you can also incorporate new technology these days. Remain relevant by getting followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media.