digital marketing

insightful information about digital marketing, web design and app development
Real Estate SEO for 2020

Real Estate SEO for 2020

You’ve printed the business cards, you’ve attended the networking events, you’ve put up lawn signs and followed all the other traditional marketing advice.  You even have a nice website and paid for some online advertising.  But still somehow, the competition is getting more internet leads than you.  Are they luckier than you?  Is it a […]

blog content marketing digital marketing facebook mobile browsing online marketing search engine optimization seo seo tools social media marketing Read More
Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Online Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Online marketing offers businesses the precision and flexibility in targeting a specific audience which no other traditional marketing media does. For example businesses seeking online advertising can employ a digital marketing agency to setup campaigns that target audiences based on user interests, demographics, and geographical location. This strategy effectively filters out everyone who is not interested […]

digital marketing online marketing Traditional Marketing tv advertising Read More
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