Facebook video ads

Facebook video ads

Bringing your Business to Life – Using Facebook Video Ads to Transform your Digital Marketing

Technology these days is an ever changing beast and one of the major developments over the last few years is the rise of video. It wasn’t long ago that we were using dial-up connections and waiting for what seems an age for a single web page to load, a far cry from what we are used to nowadays!

Technological advancements mean that now everyone is creating videos to use them for social media marketing and are continually looking to embrace new trends. Twitter’s new live streaming app, Periscope is a great example of this, and now Facebook are getting in on the advertising game with their new Facebook video ads function – a feature that is set to rival YouTube’s long standing domination in the world of video ads.

What can Facebook Video Ads Do for Your Business?

The world in general is becoming lazy. We don’t want to sit and read anymore. It’s just much easier to watch a video. This is why Facebook video ads are important for your marketing. According to Facebook, all videos on their platform accrue over 4 billion views a day (based on their 3 second viewing rule) so you can see that there is a massive potential audience for you and your business.

Here are some of the other things that Facebook video ads can do for the marketing of your business:

  • Uses auto play, so your ad will start playing automatically – although advertisers only pay after a minimum of 10 seconds viewing.
  • Specific audience targeting by factors such as location, age, gender, interests and behaviors.
  • Effective across all devices.
  • Call to action functions including – Shop now, Book now, Learn more, Sign up, Download, Watch more.
  • Payment choices through either ‘ads-per-impression’ or ’10 second viewing’.

How do I Use Facebook Video Ads?

You can use the video ads feature to create adverts which either promote your business or specific product, show the reality of your business, feature employees or customers, product launches or anything else that you choose will be a great way to market your brand.

Facebook’s video ads guidelines stipulate:

  • Maximum text of 90 characters.
  • You should supply a thumbnail image to show when your video isn’t playing.
  • Ideally in an mp4 format.
  • Up to 1.75GB in size.
  • Maximum time of 45 minutes.

Adverts will appear between two videos and, in exactly the same way that YouTube divides the money, Facebook will take a 45% cut, with the remaining 55% to be split between the ‘surrounding’ videos – depending on the amount of time that each one was watched.

Online video advertising is something that cannot be ignored any longer. Its power within the realms of the internet is enormous and still growing. For this reason the internet giants such as Facebook and Twitter are spending huge amounts of money in developing their video features. And for this reason, those who are using these platforms to market their businesses cannot afford not to be part of the video revolution.